Hi Bob,

I've decided not to read your story until I see that you at least know the number of parts it will be and until the end of it is near; I would rather wait to start reading it than possibly have to wait a week between parts.

Having said that, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your interactions with your muse. Would you be willing to come over here and help me strong-arm my muse when she decides to head off to Scotland for yet another holiday? (She's actually being good at the moment -- I have just finished typing the outline of what I think will be my most complex story yet. (Not that that is saying much, admittedly, given that my specialty is short-short stories.))

If your story is even half as enjoyable as your intro was, I am very much looking forward to the time I will start reading it. smile

Congratulations on making your muse deliver.


p.s., I am intrigued by the title.