Woohoo - excellent update. The collapsed ankle leading to the open display of super powers, conversation, and contact! It doesn't get any better than that.

The entire scene of Clark caring for Lois's ankle was so tender and intimate. I love that he was able to overcome his own fears and tend to her.

Maybe they could achieve through a sprained ankle what they hadn't been able to achieve through a hair wash.
Never one to let an opportunity pass her up. laugh And ever cognizant of what not to say/ask, no matter how much she'd like to have answers. Love that she just accepts the powers.

"And I heard her die. I heard her final breath."
Gah. Just knocked the wind outta me.

"Because they thought I would be enough like humans that I could be ..."

"Accepted here?"
A simple statement that packs a powerful punch in this alt-verse.

There was such depth of understanding in his eyes that Lois felt irresistibly drawn to him. What would it feel like to have his arms around her? To lean into his chest and -
Who knew she'd know by the end of the update! smile1

"Trask helped Moyne that time."
Ok so I guess that answers the question of whether or not Trask would lie in his own journals.

Yay! He carried her. love

Daniel Scardino escaped from the funeral home as soon as was seemly.
My stomach dropped when I read that, thinking that he was arriving at the prison. Phew!

I really don't like the sound of this Menzies character. And this?
"She's still a woman."
mad Can we line up a conversation between him and Moyne crossing a busy intersection against the lights? Pretty please?

And now we have to wait until the next update until Clark's POV *sob* (That's right, I'm already whining about the teaser!)