I don't think I can say it too many times --- I love this story. Sue, you are a fantastic tease. I want more. More, more, more, I say. And I already *know* what's going to happen next. laugh

One thing was certain - she hadn't magically appeared in this dark prison. If there was a way to get her in here, there had to be a way to get her out. Lois stood up and stretched her arms out in front of her to begin feeling her way through the darkness.
This paragraph here is the reason I love reading Lois in your stories. Yes, she was drugged last night and now she's locked inside some sort of dark prison, but helpless she is not. Rawr!

His heart seemed to skip a beat as a cold tendril of fear unraveled in his chest. Don't be paranoid, he warned himself. There were hundreds of explanations for why she might not have come home last night.
Uh, huh. Hundreds. And almost all of them are BAAAAAD! Call me a sadist, but I love Clark's terror here.

Wherever Lois was now, she hadn't left voluntarily.
Great cliff-hanger.



wildguy wildguy wildguy