I loved the section with Mayson. Now, I don’t know where you plan to go with this but for me this whole scene felt like déjà-vu.

About 15 years ago I got very sick for a few weeks. Unfortunately for me, it was subtle enough that I kept trying to go to work. After about a week or so, I reached the point of collapse. I avoided the hospital but I was in bed for about another week. When I finally recovered, I realized that for that last week at work I hadn’t done anything useful I did little more than come to work, sit in my chair and stare at my computer all day. The problem was that I was so mentally out-of-it that I had no idea I wasn’t getting anything accomplished. I honestly thought I was working pretty much as normal.

Mayson has been seriously injured. However, as a consequence of her injury, she’s not capable of understanding how irrational she sounds. When (if?) she recovers, she might be able to understand how insane her story sounds. For now, she just can’t see it. She thinks she’s just as much on-her-game as ever.

I loved this chapter. It was fun, but it was also very sad. For the first time I feel a kinship for Mayson.

Well done!
