Oh, my ... my head is spinning! I'm proud of my honorable mention, but I also wish it wasn't so! Poor Lois and Clark!

Though I'm pretty sure this isn't the last twist you're going to throw at us ...

I laughed out loud at Lois and Molly's reaction to Wells first telling them to sit still so he could erase their memories. I literally shook my head and said "Uh uh, no way" and then they said the same thing. lol

And poor Lois, having to write that letter (and like everyone else, I'm wondering if her last thought is foreshadowing for anything ... ahem, significant ... coming up in her life now that he's gone) and poor Clark for having to read it soon.

In response to Andreia's comment about 87Clark feeling Lois's wrath, it's a good point that others will probably remember the guy Lois was hanging out with that week, but doesn't everyone else just know him as Charlie? As talented as Lois is, I don't think even she'd be able to connect "Charlie who left a University of Kansas t-shirt" to Clark Kent of Smallville ... though she might well try. It also makes me wonder if Lois still remembers her guardian angel from age 9 ... all that still happened right? Or did Wells erase every memory of Clark from her mind? OK, now my head is spinning again!

Waahh, come back and give us part 6! I need to know how they get out of this mess!
