/drools all over newest ML-fic part/ No particular reason, the part isn't really special compared to the others. Doesn't even stand out. You know, it's like with climbing all the 8000m summits. Having a billion, or a billion and 100 million. It doesn't really make much of a difference at this point.

Anyway blush

I really love this version of Lois. she's such a dichotomy and as a hilarious ADD problem when it comes to Clark and serious discussions. Of course, I bet if Lois and Clark positions while getting room service had been reversed, Clark would have had trouble too. Only he would have been able to remedy the problem of Lois putting on a bathrobe hiding her shapes from sight.

I do admit, I did not expect this revelation to go smoothly. But that's mainly because of previous fics building a certain prejudice to how Lois would react. When viewed on it's own, you put this into a wonderful package, including the bow on top.

‘Oh my,’ Wells thought, looking at the carnage around him. ‘This is not good - not good at all.’
You *tease* clap

“Given that he’s currently serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole, I’m pretty confident in saying that he’s not the science advisor to the Governor of New Troy anymore. And I doubt anyone is the least bit interested in his opinion of Superman.”
Okay, Bob tried to kill her about 24 hours ago if I'm not mistaken. So Clark's assumptions are a bit premature. And can he even get put away for life after only trying to rape and kill Lois, being convicted of one premeditated and aggravated murder and assault, and some drug peddling. Wouldn't that be more like 20 years in a low security institution with the possibility of parole after 3 years of good behavior and expulsion of the record after 5 more years. This way, he could still be the science advisory in 10 years from now. /does not have much faith in Metropolis's judicial system/

“No... It’s not that. Not that you were raped. But... she didn’t know the details, but she mentioned something about you getting drunk one night in your first semester of university and waking up in the morning with your hair cut really short... and, according to her, really badly. You had to go out the next day and get it evened up. She said it ended up being really short.”
Okay, Tank must be devastated. But, wouldn't Paul or Bob still have called her the resident slut of Alpha Nu Rho? Which would have caused her to investigate. Also, would they really have kept dragging her along if she vomited all over them? Which, btw. would have been a great alternative way out for her.
Oh, and does Beta Beta stand for 'Booze and Boo-' erm 'Booze and Babes'?

“Then trust me when I say... you have no competition.”

Lois grinned. “Well, I won’t after I find a place to bury the body.”
/dies laughing/

“I’m not every woman. I’m the time traveler’s wife. I’ll just be sure to drop my towel at the first possible opportunity.”
/michael zombie falls apart from laughing/

“I love you, too,” she finally managed to get out just as the window closed behind him. Her knees giving out, she fell to the floor, her heart broken. It felt as if a part of her had suddenly been ripped away, leaving a giant hole inside her.
This is the middle of part 5. So what else is going to be in there. And how will things play out. and you are going to follow this EoD nonsense and I'm already hyping for another fix and is it Thursday morning already?


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