And now things are really heating up!

I think you did a great job of showing how Clark's life is spiraling out of control. Where before, I could worry along with Wells about what might happen if he changed the past, I'm now thinking it might be worth the risk, because things are clearly going on the wrong direction in the present. I don't blame Clark for just losing it; he's absolutely right -- it's too much to expect, of anyone, yet alone someone without any support system. (And I just wanted to wring Carpenter's scrawny little neck, so clearly you did a fabulous job writing those scenes!)

When Lois's room was trashed so completely, I was even more sure it was the coach who was trying to stop her; that seems the act of an adult with a lot of anger, not a college student who is just trying to get ahead. But I'm guessing, from the way you ended the section, that it really was Linda all along. Wow; that is *really* telling of what kind of person Linda is. This was clearly premeditated and well planned and took effort to enact. If Linda spent half that amount of time finding her own story, she would already be a star. (Though Iolan has a great point; would Cat Grant be willing to state that she'd talked to Lois and never to Linda? Or if Molly could figure out who logged onto the computer after Lois, to be able to say who erased the computer file. Grrr, can you tell I'm really feeling for Lois here?)

BTW, I really like how you've brought Linda into the DP in the future just as all this is unfolding in the past; not only does it tell us that she managed to parlay Lois's story into a career, but by putting her and Preston together, you're showing us exactly what kind of newspaper the Daily Planet is becoming and exactly why Clark needs to get out of there.

On a more specific note, I also really liked the way you introduced Henderson to the story -- this is a fabulous first meeting between him and Lois, both in the lessons she learns from him about crime in the Metropolis and what the police have to deal with and in how she's clearly impressed him, as well. And the fact that he knows Perry and decides to put in a word ... awesome!

And I definitely got a grin out of Clark spilling his coffee on the Time Machine plans -- hey, it's only one little part that he can't decipher properly. What could possibly go wrong? laugh

Darn these EoD postings; I want my next fix now! smile1

(Oh, and just to add: Clark in his black leather jacket as he goes back in time? Swoon! wink )
