
(Sorry for not commenting on the previous parts, but I immensely enjoyed them)..

I love how despite our heroes living in different timelines in the beginning, this is very much a Lois AND Clark story. I like the parallel storylines format.

I laughed out loud at Clark throwing in duffel bags in the time machine. I think this is the first time a time-traveler has the presence of mind to pack for a trip. Super! wink

One thing that scares me is how a small change might have a huge impact. Say, if Clark was to intervene in the Linda-stealing-story incident and help Lois catch Linda before she visits the precinct. Does that mean she does not meet Henderson who in turn does not make his friend Perry White aware of Lois Lane. How would that influence Lois' eventual interview at the Daily Planet? Although knowing Lois... :-)

Looking forward to the unraveling and the changing-with-time plot!


If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria