Sarah There had to be something happen to break up the WAFF laugh Thanks, Sarah.

Cristina Because the fic is still mostly in Clark's POV, Lois's reaction to the revelation came out bit by bit. I'm glad this part explained her thought processes.

I agree totally about M&J - they are such a big part of who Clark is.

When Iolanthe suggested writing a Lois and Clark footy fic, my immediate thought was - 'The Merger'. (It has taken 27 parts to get to it!!)

However, I understand that for most of the readers, the perfect solution would be for Hawthorn to fold/die/merge because that would free Lois to be with Clark - which, of course, is what every FoLC wants.

That is one of the reasons why I spent so much time on football earlier in the fic. I'm hoping that non-Melburnian readers will understand Lois's feelings at the prospect of losing Hawthorn.

DW Down hill? Lois and Clark have just spent 3 days building their relationship. Here's Test One!



It does not help the Daily Planet in anyway if Clark does the interview.
It helps less if the Metropolis Star gets an exclusive.

Re Mayson - it could be different in other countries, but here the specifics of what is actually said are often lost in the big picture - particuarly when the picture is as big as a man who can fly.

And people who manipulate and play games with the truth are usually very good at avoiding becoming toast.

Anyways no reputable Newspaper is going to offer a $1,000,000. for an interview.
I expected someone to make this comment - perhaps particularly that Perry wouldn't allow this to happen.

However, consider Perry's position. He's never had Lois Lane. He doesn't have Clark Kent. He does have Mayson Drake who is brilliant, but her methods are questionable - and she made a huge strategic mistake by siding with Jason Trask. She also has a very rich, very powerful uncle on the board of the DP.

And - in the BIGGEST story of all time, the DP's arch rival, the Star, has managed to usurp it as the forerunner in everything Superman.

I think that's enough for Perry - and the DP board - to be feeling a little desperate.

Nice ideas, by the way!


Jen At this stage in the fic, the *proposed* merger has been announced. Yes, it did happen just like this - and most of what will play out in later parts is also as close to RL as I can get without risking misrepresenting real people.

Thanks for the FDK, Jen.
