Hmmm... confused
I never have thought that Lois had the younger guy step in with Perry's help because she's going to give up her job. No, what I remember is her thinking/saying that now she could get away for vacations and quality time with Clark without worrying about the Paper functioning without her. Always sounded to me like she's been working pretty much non-stop for a year, not taking any time for herself either, so she needs to plan some breaks with good coverage.

I do agree that before getting more information from Lois, Martha and Jonathan have put Lois in a very uncomfortable position. Even though they said that they would understand and say nothing further, if L&C decided not to do it, that's a hard thing to not weigh on your mind as an obligation to try their suggestion, even when all your red flags have gone up about it! And I think we have red flags come up for good reasons, and not really a good thing to do it just because other people are.

Okay, thanks. I'm done.
