Personally I'd say no.

A major reason is that Lois isn't as desperate for a child as Clark seems to be. I can't help thinking that Clark wants a biological child. But inseminating Lois with Jonathan's sperm wouldn't give Calrk a biological child.

If Lois is inseminated with Jonathan's sperm, however, I do think that would make the entire Kent clan somewhat uncomfortable. Could Lois be entirely comfortable with her father-in-law, knowing that she has born his child? Would Clark become jealous of his own father? Would Martha become jealous of Lois?

If you are a Christian, you may think twice about this idea, too. Leviticus 18:15 has this to say about the subject:

"'Do not have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law. She is your son's wife; do not have relations with her.
Jonathan would not have a sexual relation with Lois, as such. But he would come uncomfortably close to it.

That sort of morality aside, we should remember that Lois is forty years old, and Jonathan may be pushing eighty. The older you are, the greater the risk that the child will not be born healthy. I read somewhere that old fathers stand a greater risk of fathering children with various mental problems.

Finally, I think this whole idea is a way of pampering Clark, who is too easily hurt and depressed for his own good sometimes. Sorry, Clark, you can't have a child with a human woman. Accept it.
