Hi Pam, wave

Sorry to be late on the FDK. I’ve been fighting with RL issues and I’m barely reading anything these days. However, I couldn’t let this go without comment.

This was a sweet piece and if you choose to end it here, this seems like a good place.

As much as I enjoyed the part, I was left feeling a little bit sad. They've both had to give up so much to be together. They have each other, and that is most important, but what about the rest of their lives? For example, what about Lucy? I know Lois was never that close to her family but I would think she’d want to maintain some contact. Would she want to lie to them about her status? I’d think that at the very least she would let them know she was married.

So, if you ever feel like revisiting this universe again, may I suggest a visit with the White’s as Lyn and Joe to tell him who they are? I would think that if there was one person she would want to know, it would be Perry. He would be able to keep the secret while being a good contact for Lyn and Joe. As an alternative, a Lucy revelation might be fun. Just some ideas.

If this is the last installment of this series, it has been a fun run. Part 1, “My Interview with Superman” remains one of my all-time favorite stories.

Finally, I have to add my voice to the chorus of calls for a ‘K’ story.
And… have you considered another story in the “Hearts” series? To me, “Hearts United” seemed to cry out for a sequel.

In any case, thanks for this story. I enjoyed it very much.
