That's a great ending! I really enjoyed Lyn. I think you captured her "Russian-ness" (or Bulgarian-ness) excellently. I can actually believe that Perry was fooled.

I giggled at this:

"What if I set up a savings account, and give you an ATM card that you can carry, Superman?"
Great idea, but just exactly where would he carry it? There isn't much extra space in that skintight suit. I think an ATM card would make a very noticable rectangular shape on his, well, wherever he would carry it! Maybe he could do what he did in the old comics, have a sort of pocket in his cape where he could carry essentials? Oh well, I guess that if he can carry a full Clark Kent outfit in that suit, including a suit, tie, glasses and shoes, he ought to be able to carry a small plastic card too! (But I've been a Star Trek fan too, and I know that those who wrote scripts for the original Star Trek series with Kirk and Spock were told not to write that Kirk and Spock put anything in their pockets - "there are no pockets!".)

Anyway, that's just me being carried away in my usual way. I really enjoyed this epilogue, and thought you gave Clark and Lois - or Lyn and Joe - a delightfully happy ending!
