More will be coming. I promise. I just can't promise when, and here's why:

Shortly before I sent Happy part V of this story, I was taken into the hospital in the midst of a seizure that refused to stop on its own. I have a history of epilepsy, so it wasn't really as big a deal as you might think it was, but because of the duration and the severity of this particular occurrence, there was more than the usual cause for concern.

I had been more or less stable on anti-seizure meds for over five years before this happened (only occasionally suffering from 'absences', never grand mal seizures), so after a brain scan and some tweaking to my medication, I was told to go home and wait for the new meds to start doing their job.

Well, waiting hasn't been working out so well for me.

I've had about twelve major episodes since that first one three weeks ago. I've been in and out of the hospital, not because being brought there is necessarily always the best solution when something like this happens, but because not many people know that there is anything they *can* do but call an ambulance when I keel over in front of them.

My point is, though, that spending ten out of the last 21 days in an ER when I hadn't planned on being there, hasn't exactly done me any favors in the 'getting things done' department. My writing is one of the things that has taken a backseat to everything else because of this, and depending upon how things go in the next few weeks, it may very well stay that way for a while.

I'm sorry if it all sounds like a sob story to you (it does to me, to be perfectly honest). I'd rather not have had to say anything about this, but I figure at least it's one step up from simply disappearing on you all without a trace.

Nevertheless, I apologize.

- Ped

You can gaze at the stars, but please don't forget about the flowers at your feet.