I thought the "prank call" from Superman was hilarious! Of course the police wouldn't believe him. It's like Bart Simpson calling and saying, "Hey, is your refrigerator running?" (then go out and catch it!) or calling Moe's Bar and asking for "Al. His last name is Coholic." So Moe calls out, "Is there an Al Coholic here?"

(BTW, I have a particular fondness for stories about prank calls, because of events back when I was a wee young thing. I had a favorite grand-uncle who used to smoke a pipe. Of course the brand of tobacco he used was Prince Albert. When my great-uncle told me the prank call about "Prince Albert in a can", I thought it was the funniest thing ever. (I was seven.) I still laugh now, thinking about it. What can I say? I'm easy.)

Other than that, I like how you're slowly tightening the noose around Lois. She's seriously getting railroaded somewhere bad. I hope she can get out of it! The lawyer with a gun was a total "What?" moment. Then, when you think of it, it makes sense. Of course he could get a gun into the lockup when the corrupt cops are helping him.

I agree with the previous poster that Clark needs to smarten up and use his other super-senses. Will he think of this?

And, cliffhanger ending.....more is needed, soon!