Some further reactions as this story has been bouncing around my head today:

- Having Tek working as a servant simply due to his lack of formal credential is a terrible waste of human capital, and one this culture can ill afford. Another example of how whoever is holding him back is promoting his own self-interest over the survival of his people. razz

- The description of Kal's isolation is very sad. But it also got me thinking about his very early years. Assuming that Kryptonians are basically like humans, allow me to make the following assertion: somebody loved Kal and took good care of him when he was very little. I say this because children have to be loved and cared for by a trustworthy caregiver if they are to learn to trust, to love, to form any kind of attachment to other people. A child who bonds to a trustworthy adult in the first three years of life can transfer that attachment to other people if necessary. A child who has only been cared for in the physical sense and not emotionally becomes very detatched and only trusts and cares about himself. He learns that it's every dog for himself and acts accordingly. He may be very charming on the outside if it gets him what he wants, but we've seen Kal's internal thoughts and we know that he truly cares for his people as well as for Lois. So, based on Kal's ability to love Lois and to trust her and form a bond with her, someone must have cared for him in his very early years. Maybe someone under a yellow sun?

This *is* my happily ever after.