Vicki said:

Lois has made absolutely no progress whatsoever in learning Kryptonian. When Kal turned off his translator, Lois heard only guttural sounds. To her, Kryptonian doesn't even sound like a language; she doesn't hear words, she hears what sounds like the bark of a dog.
If I may be so bold...

People all over the world learn English. People who speak English as their first language often don't make that much of an effort to learn other languages.

Lois is a native English-speaker. Maybe, deep down and on a subconscious level, she feels that she shouldn't be obliged to learn Kryptonian, but the NKers should learn English instead. And indeed, Kal is learning English.

I agree with Vicki. I would indeed prefer that Lois and Kal go to Earth rather than that they stay on New Krypton. On the other hand, I don't doubt that Lois will give Kal such an inspiration that they can give New Krypton an extreme makeover and turn it into a much, much better place than it is now.
