re: TOC's comment -- Does the story say that Lords don't procreate? Or are you just assuming because Kal hasn't done so? I may well have missed something (it's hard to read slow when I just want to devour this story!) but I thought that all we know so far is that Kal doesn't have children himself. I don't remember anything being said about whether the other Lords do.

This story continues to delight and enthrall me. Yes, I know I sound like a broken record, but it does. I'm so glad we got to meet two of the other three concubines and find out their stories. And I'm so glad that Lois clued in immediately on what their history with Kal meant. And that Lois has figured out that Lord Nor isn't just any Lord, but one that she really wants to be careful of. Not that this might stop Nor from trying to use her to get to Kal (isn't that a requirement in an L&C story? goofy ) but at least she knows to be wary of him.

Though because I'm greedy, I still want to meet C1 and find out her story, LOL. I'm guessing she was chosen for him when he was quite young -- soon after his marriage at 16, perhaps? Hopefully we'll get to find out for sure at some point. smile

I'm not going to make any specific guesses about the identity of the mother, though I did catch Kal's hesitancy when looking at Lois's writing and got the impression he might have found it familiar somehow. If so, then that is a huge twist and I can't wait to find out what it all means!

Oh, and in closing I'll just add that I wasn't sure what excited me more today -- that we had a new part to read, or that in your last feedback response you said that the secret would be revealed somewhere around part 14, which tells me that we are only about 1/3 of the way through this incredible story. As much as I want to greedily devour it all right now, the idea that we'll be reading new parts for weeks makes me very, very happy. thumbsup