This has been a wonderful story! Keep it up. smile

At first, I thought the mystery woman was Ellen. Now I don't think so. The end of this part talked about the husband accepting the loss of the child, of losing hope that the husband and wife would ever see their child again.

Lois has only been missing for a few weeks. Accepting that she will never come home would take years.

I see two possiblities. One, it could be Martha. Perhaps Kal was sent to Earth for a few years before being sent to New Krypton. Maybe there was a threat on his life. Maybe he was never told that it was Earth. However, if he doesn't understand the concept of a smile, this seems unlikely.

I think it's most probable that the woman is Lara. She and Jor-El didn't think they'd survive. Maybe they are on some other planet. Didn't the earlier post state that she had a yellow sun? Maybe they are on Earth?????

Perry: (To Lois) Honey, this could be greatest story since Superman came to town. By-the-by, where is that husband of yours?
--Faster Than a Speeding Vixon