Well, Corinna, I wrote in my FDK for the previous chapter that Kal and Lois aren't skittish as their romance progresses. Ah, but look at them now!

[Linked Image] razz

And Jib's sister has been killed by her "master"!
“He's a Regal Noble. She was his concubine.”

“But surely that doesn't mean he can kill her?” Kal wouldn't allow that. Surely.

“He said it was an accident.”

“But ... you said she was bashed.”


“How could that be an accident?” Lois demanded.

“He said it was an accident,” Jib repeated. “I didn't say we believe him.”
I need "puke" icons! I need several of them!

Maybe this one...

[Linked Image]

But who was the Noble who killed Jib's sister?

“So who was he?”

“Lord Nor.”
<puke> <puke> <puke>

But Kal had claimed Jib and her sister to keep them safe from Lord Nor. In the same way, he had claimed Lois. Lois, you are right to love him.

On a side note, I do find it very interesting that the ordinary NKers marry and have children, but the Lords don't procreate. That's a very unusual system. The only comparable system I can think of is the Catholic Church. At times, the Catholic Church has been so dominant that it has been the strongest force of an entire society, but while the ordinary people of that society have married and procreated, the priests and bishops of the Catholic Church have not.
