Hey guys,

Yes, I should have posted part 5 by now. I promised I would.

I haven't, because I just found a new job (yay!) that I unfortunately landed only on the provision of working about eight hours a week more than I did at my last job, putting me at about thirty hours a week now. That's great money-wise, and since it's much closer to home and school, I'll save a significant amount of time on the commute, but it will still take some getting used to in terms of planning. School has started up again, too (yay!), and I find myself suddenly involved in several different group projects that aren't necessarily any more complicated than anything else I've ever done, but you wouldn't believe that if you looked only at the raw amount of time we spend just trying to all agree on the basics (meh). Plus, for the time being I'm still recovering from an operation to my ankle, and a total hip replacement a little earlier this year, which means I'm on the hook for physio three times a week until at least the end of next month. Meh squared.

I'll have to re-schedule my daily writing time to fit around these things, and I haven't yet found the perfect moment for it. I figure an hour late at night will be it for the foreseeable future, but this week hasn't been kind to me in that regard. I share a house with six brand-new first-year students, and since I'm older and (presumably) wiser (but mostly just because I'm the only one around who's lived here before goofy ), the landlady figured I'd make the perfect go-to person for everyone and their dog (which I have to admit makes sense, given the circumstances). So I've been spending my evenings of late meeting with my housemates to discuss the ins and outs of living together in this place, making and putting up a plethora of signs that remind people of the obvious but are required by the landlady, hunting down the building owner so that he'd finally replace the broken freezer and have the cold-water-only shower fixed, and negotiating between the neighbor with the little kids and the beer-loving eighteen-year-olds around here who 'just want to have some fun'. Just so you know: the legal drinking age where I live is sixteen, but the fact that it's legal doesn't necessarily mean it's also going to be sensible.

Hm. For clarity's sake, I'll add that I am by no means complaining here. I love my life the way it is right now. It's just that my more or less comfortable routine has been shook up a bit, and it will take me some time to get into the swing of things again where my writing is concerned.

Just know that I'm still committed to this story, and once I do carve out some dedicated writing time in my new schedule, I should be able to post at least one chapter a week, if not two.

- Ped

You can gaze at the stars, but please don't forget about the flowers at your feet.