Lara: hmm you caught that about CJ, hm? It will be very important later on =) And no comment about Lois' future reaction to Superman...

Bob: I may have to take a closer look at that... originally I wrote that scene in October while a lot of the newer scenes where Lois is noticeably different were written just a week or so ago... it still seemed to work when I read through it... but then I know how I want this Lois to portray herself... in my mind (and without going into how her history does and does not parallel canon Lois') She is less wary of co-workers and men in general... she might be more likely to make friends or have a casual dating relationship... but she's terrified of serious relationships. So friendly byplay with Clark and a semi-business date are ok... but the vibes she picked up there were deeper and that spooked her...

Lara: the time aspect was more my playing with the quote than a conscious word choice... but I could come up with a rational to make it sound good I think... ~.^

However, if that still seems anomalous feel free to emil me for her actual history and see if it still doesn't jive =)

Sara "Lieta"