
Things really came to a head in this part.
It was nice to see Robin crack. It really showed her volatility.

However Clark is driving me nuts. All the evidence is clearly there... and yet he still questions Lois's word... and even worse... he questions his parents word. Wouldn't Clark be suspicious as to why he was knocked out by Robin? After all... there was no logical reason for her to deck him in the house... and he has the bruise to prove it wasn't Lois's kryptonite that caused him to drop.

I think it would have been wrong for Lois to kill Robin, however, I do believe having the kryptonite on her to protect her was certainly sensible. I can somewhat understand Clark being angry with this... but after hearing what she was threatened with... I would expect him to soften, and yet... he seems so infatuated with Robin he isn't hearing or caring what Lois has to say or feels.

Even worse, he seems so blinded, that he is seeing Robin's side, and only her side.

I hope Clark doesn't break Robin out.
I find it illogical that Clark would want to be imprisoned in the apartment with her too... but this Clark seems to be quite irrational for some (as yet?) unexplained reason.

I am concerned that Superman is glacial to Lois. A husband doesn't treat their wife to such a cold stare, regardless of their current persona...

What spell has Robin got cast over Clark?
And what, if anything, can Lois possibly do to get Clark to think rationally again?

I think for this to progress, Bernie will have to be brought in on the 'secret'... surely he must be suspecting (and besides... Robin could always just blab it out.. it isn't as if she has any morals or respect for anyone). Bernie is one of the best allies Lois could have right about now, but given his knowledge of the synthetic K... I have to worry that he could be in the firing line from both Robin and Superman...

Despite Robin being "behind bars" I still worry for Lois. There won't be another stalling opportunity the 'next' time. And Robin would hate her now more than anything...

I can't wait to see what Superman says to Robin, what Robin says to him, and whether Clark and Lois will talk any of this through.

Please post the next part soon.... or even earlier if you can!!
Loved this part and need mooooore!!

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box