That's an interesting point, Framework.

My first thought is that, yes, had this been just about anyone else, Lois could have killed her in self-defense and, unless what's his name from S4 was the DA, no one would blink over it.

But Robin is Kryptonian. In order for Lois to kill her, she has to have Kryptonite. Kryptonite can incapacitate Robin immediately, but for Lois to *kill* her, it would have to be premeditated I think. Because she'd have to open the Kryptonite, and then - when she's no longer in danger - kill her. Even if she could 'stage' it so that Henderson or whoever didn't realize that Kryptonite had been used and could convince them that it was self-defense, she'd never be able to convince Clark of that [though I think M/J would understand and even back her up] and there goes her relationship with Clark. If Clark were to catch her choking Lois, I would imagine that he could manage to kill her somehow [because that's about the only way to stop her]. But he'd never forgive himself, not only because he's taken a life - regardless that it was the only way to protect Lois - but because then he's the aberration of Kryptonian society and he'll go live in the Himalayas somewhere, never to be seen from again.

I'm not saying that Terry's got the right solution here, and I have no clue what's going to happen in part 10, but what's the other options?

Bring her to trial? Or at least have her declared mentally unstable? Then the Luthors of the world who would want to control their own anti-Superman would know of her existence, etc.

So what's the alternative that doesn't end up with a dead Lois?

A Kryptonite necklace or something so Robin can't get close to her, but then neither can Clark...

I'm being completely serious. As I pose these questions, possible solutions come to me, but none are very good IMO... It's quite possible that I'm missing something, but I don't know what it is.

Contact Zara and send her to New Krypton wink ?
