First well done!!

“We’ve already explained to our – our guest – that any break in the wall will also spray the pressurized liquid all over her, and it would take an acid bath to get it off. By that time, the radiation might have already killed her.”
It might take her a while, months or years, but at some point she will learn to spin while floating in mid air. She will spin faster and faster and faster till she is spinning so fast that when she crashes through the walls there will be no time for the liquid to touch her body before she is gone. At that point....

But the girl couldn’t leave, not ever. She wasn’t free. And there was no legal record of her incarceration. No one but Lois, Clark, and a very few high-level Star Labs employees would know where she was, or even who she was.
This from the man who wrote
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
abducted a free citizen of the U.S. and transported him somewhere against his will. That does indeed fit the definition of kidnapping.... In this untwist....Superman has chosen to execute preemptive justice upon someone who has not been accused of any crime, let alone convicted of one. He has also chosen to perform this action after a period of rational thought. No one's life, health, or liberty is in danger at the moment of his act, so he has no affirmative legal defense available to him.[/QB]
wildguy Does not matter that she is damaged? Oh no, Lois is justified because she is Lois?

Their little half way game is much worse than killing her. Lois might be justified in killing Kara/Robin in self defense but life time imprisonment? No. It is far more immoral.

Superman can't allow this because the word will get out. Someone will want Robin as their tool. Sooner or later the world will know and no one will ever trust Superman again.

By the way since she will outlive Bernie and Lois both she will someday be free or be killed. wildguy
