Yvonne, I'm all caught up now, and *very* curious to know how on earth you can solve this without someone being desperately unhappy. You mentioned earlier that there probably won't be a "perfectly happy" ending, but here we have two opposite sides, both of whom truly love this little boy, and obviously there is no way to split him in two and give half to each side. As the story has developed CK has won me over and I truly feel for him (just as you intended, I'm sure), but as Tank said, even if L&C are able to have a child of their own it will not 'replace' Jon. I would hate to see L&C lose Jon, and for Jon to lose the only family he has ever known. Trenna's idea has merit, and you undoubtedly must have several intriguing ideas up your sleeve. I'm looking forward to the next chapters...


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5