Okay, time for the unemotional voice of reason to chime in.

First, CK's trip back and subsequent emotinal travals were well written and logical. After all, he was forced to 'relive' in effect the most traumatic event of his life. (One that he wasn't even able to be there for). He lost Lois. The significance of that can't be over estimated.

On the other hand. Clark is acting like a weenie. I can understand his being mildly depressed by the thought that he and Lois shouldn't have their own kids because jeapordizing Lois life just for a child is unthinkable. But his over the top 'woe is me' wallow in self pity is annoying. It's not as if they've actually lost anything. They really don't know all the facts yet, and even if they do resolve that conception is too risky and inadvisable, they still haven't lost anything they already had. There are lots of things in this world that I'd like to have, but know I never will have them. It's part of life. You have to accept some things. Clark is in the fortunate position that even if he can't have kids, he's still the luckiest man in the world because he has Lois. He has to remember that.

Actually, this should have the effect of forcing Lois and Clark to concentrate more on the disposition of Jon, rather than figuring whether they can have their own squalling brat.

It seems that this story is leaning toward the conclusion that CK will be able to take Jon home with him and Lois and Clark will find out they can have a child of their own. I can't say that I'd see that as a 'happy ending'. Lois and Clark would, in effect lose a child. A child they have invested a lot of time and love in raising. Even having one of their own would never 'replace' Jon. Also, one has to consider how 'difficult' it would be for CK to raise a child on his own. He not only would have all the disadvantages that any single parent would have, but his problems would be multiplied by his being a superhero, and his time not being his own. In my mind, unless he pairs up with another woman, it's irresponsible for CK to even think of trying to raise a child on his own.

Tank (who, due to pain, will cut his rant short)