Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: YConnell Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 01:21 AM
Yes, don't fall off your chairs - Kidnapped! is back. I've given you a bumper section to make up for lost time, but of course the downside of that is I only have barely enough left for the next section. I'll try to get back to the Monday posting schedule now that life has settled down a bit, but I can't promise anything other than I'll do my best. smile

Posted By: daneel Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 01:40 AM
Posted By: avia Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 05:06 AM
This was wonderful, emotional and beautifully written (as always).
And you're going back to a regular posting schedule! hyper

Avia (who is trying to convince herself that going through withdrawal builds character wink )
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 12:49 PM

Great piece. help It was safer to have the baby premature and both alive.
eek An special baby with out mother will go to an orphan or stranger hand.
confused Why would Lois risk the child future?
confused Was Lois and the baby life in physical danger that she need time?
Is that why Mr. Wells took the baby?
Is Lois really dead?

Dr Fielding frowned, then looked down to study her notes for a while, drumming her fingers again on the desk. Clark tried to read the notes upside-down, but they were written in an illegible scrawl, and the few words he could make out looked highly technical and totally incomprehensible.
confused Something is not right. There is something missing.
Why he didn't ask for a copy of Lois record.

So it was time to return to Lois and Clark’s universe and tell them what he’d learned at the hospital. He looked down at the small device in his hand. This was his least favourite part – universe-hopping, he’d discovered, made him feel queasy. He sighed and pressed the relevant buttons.
confused Where is Mr. Wells? He know the important of that device. He was deserted in that universe with out a way to get out. If he got out he will be looking for CK.

More soon, please.

MAF thumbsup
Posted By: terry Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 03:04 PM
Yvonne, I love your writing. hyper
Posted By: Tank Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 06:12 PM
Okay, time for the unemotional voice of reason to chime in.

First, CK's trip back and subsequent emotinal travals were well written and logical. After all, he was forced to 'relive' in effect the most traumatic event of his life. (One that he wasn't even able to be there for). He lost Lois. The significance of that can't be over estimated.

On the other hand. Clark is acting like a weenie. I can understand his being mildly depressed by the thought that he and Lois shouldn't have their own kids because jeapordizing Lois life just for a child is unthinkable. But his over the top 'woe is me' wallow in self pity is annoying. It's not as if they've actually lost anything. They really don't know all the facts yet, and even if they do resolve that conception is too risky and inadvisable, they still haven't lost anything they already had. There are lots of things in this world that I'd like to have, but know I never will have them. It's part of life. You have to accept some things. Clark is in the fortunate position that even if he can't have kids, he's still the luckiest man in the world because he has Lois. He has to remember that.

Actually, this should have the effect of forcing Lois and Clark to concentrate more on the disposition of Jon, rather than figuring whether they can have their own squalling brat.

It seems that this story is leaning toward the conclusion that CK will be able to take Jon home with him and Lois and Clark will find out they can have a child of their own. I can't say that I'd see that as a 'happy ending'. Lois and Clark would, in effect lose a child. A child they have invested a lot of time and love in raising. Even having one of their own would never 'replace' Jon. Also, one has to consider how 'difficult' it would be for CK to raise a child on his own. He not only would have all the disadvantages that any single parent would have, but his problems would be multiplied by his being a superhero, and his time not being his own. In my mind, unless he pairs up with another woman, it's irresponsible for CK to even think of trying to raise a child on his own.

Tank (who, due to pain, will cut his rant short)
Posted By: Trenna Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/28/03 07:09 PM
So glad you are back, Yvonne.

Since Tank has started second guessing, I think I'll try too wink

CK has his transport device but makes a mistake and lands in another universe with a Lois and baby but missing Clark?

Well, its in your hands, but please, a happy ending and I think Baby Jon would have a lot of trouble losing our Lois and Clark too
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/29/03 04:09 AM

I'm glad to see you posting this again. smile1

This is very emotional and heartwrenching. thumbsup
Clark and Jonathan's conversation is excellent.

I can't wait to see where this is headed. eek
It's hard to believe that there can be a happy ending.

Tricia cool
Posted By: Shadow Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/29/03 06:16 PM
Rock. On. What a great installment to find after coming back from vacation! goofy ) But I'm glad it's not automatically the fault of those infamous Kryptonian genes. Still can't figure out how this is going to end. I don't classify giving Jon away as anywhere near a happy ending. Maybe it shouldn't have a happy ending...

Posted By: YConnell Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/30/03 03:28 AM
Hi, and thanks. smile

Maria, you said:
It was safer to have the baby premature and both alive. An special baby with out mother will go to an orphan or stranger hand.
This is very true. But I think it's not unreasonable to imagine a situation where decisions aren't clear-cut, where there are risks to both approaches, and where Lois decides on balance that she knows better than the medical profession. Don't forget that she's carrying the child of a man who's the only one of his kind on Earth, so not only might she want to give the child the best chance she can because the father is the man she loves, but also because the child represents the only hope for the continuation of his race. That might not be the most signficant reason for her decision, but I think it would be a factor.

You also said:
Is that why Mr. Wells took the baby?
Is Lois really dead?
Sorry, I can't comment at this stage, but let's just say I'm paying close attention to my reader's reactions.

Where is Mr. Wells? He know the important of that device. He was deserted in that universe with out a way to get out. If he got out he will be looking for CK.
Hang on, does this mean you think CK took the device from Wells and stranded him in that universe? That wasn't the impression I wanted to convey at all! Anyone else think this is the case? ('cos if so, this could be a handy, if accidental, plot device laugh ).

Terry, thanks for the reassurance about the hospital scene and the preeclampsia explanation - I pieced it together from the information I gathered from expert Folcs and the net, so it's a relief that I didn't make any major blunders. smile

As for the doctor knowing Superman's identity - yes, I know I haven't given any clue earlier in the story as to whether his secret was out or not. To be honest, I wasn't sure myself until I wrote that scene. If people think it's too much of a surprise at this stage in the story, I'll give it some more thought.

Tank. Well, I kind of knew you'd think Clark was being a bit pathetic. All I can say in his defence (or is it my defence? wink ) is that the custody issue is making him less level-headed than usual, and that everyone is entitled to the occasional bout of self-centred woe. It's not like he'll wallow in it for too long - that's not in Clark's nature.

I'm totally with you on this:
There are lots of things in this world that I'd like to have, but know I never will have them. It's part of life. You have to accept some things.
Yup, that's one of my favourite rants too - which is why Clark will eventually always 'put up and shut up' in my stories, because I think he believes the same thing.

In my mind, unless he pairs up with another woman, it's irresponsible for CK to even think of trying to raise a child on his own.
Yet as the biological father, the law would grant him custody by default - or so I've been told. Funny how the law, morality and responsibility don't always go hand-in-hand, isn't it? wink

It's also funny how real life can echo fiction. My family is suddenly in the middle of a custody issue which has amazing parallels with this story - scarily so, in fact. Whether it will affect my choices for Jon et al remains to be seen. What I do know is that there can be no perfectly happy ending in real life, and this story might just be the same. Life's a compromise, folks.

Thank you to everyone else who commented, and I'll try to get another section posted by next Monday. smile

Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/31/03 06:58 PM
Sorry I'm late in commenting -- it's been a hard week.

I LOVED the part with Jonathan and Clark -- so poignant. I feel so bad for both of them. Hopefully, Dr. Klein will find a way to counteract the Kryptonite poisoning -- I always have faith in medical researchers laugh .

And CK is taking a huge step going back to his universe and facing the circumstances of Lois's death. Very nice explanation of her condition -- and very interesting that it isn't conclusive whether Lois's preeclampsia was hereditary or because of CK.

I don't know why, but I am sort of hoping for Jon to go back home with CK -- CK is his biological father, and even though he will be a single parent with two demanding jobs, I just think it seems better to me if Jon is with his biological father. But I also have no experience with kids, so I have no idea how they develop or associate with people or anything.

- Laura smile
Posted By: merry Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 07/31/03 10:15 PM
great part and I'm glad you're back
keep it coming
Posted By: KathyM Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 08/01/03 08:49 PM
Yvonne, I'm all caught up now, and *very* curious to know how on earth you can solve this without someone being desperately unhappy. You mentioned earlier that there probably won't be a "perfectly happy" ending, but here we have two opposite sides, both of whom truly love this little boy, and obviously there is no way to split him in two and give half to each side. As the story has developed CK has won me over and I truly feel for him (just as you intended, I'm sure), but as Tank said, even if L&C are able to have a child of their own it will not 'replace' Jon. I would hate to see L&C lose Jon, and for Jon to lose the only family he has ever known. Trenna's idea has merit, and you undoubtedly must have several intriguing ideas up your sleeve. I'm looking forward to the next chapters...

Posted By: NearlyNoelNeill Re: Comments: Kidnapped Part 20 - 08/02/03 05:12 AM
As usual, I'm here late...

It's all breathtakingly wonderful and *probable* as usual. Gosh, you're good, Yvonne. smile

Can't wait for more.

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