Very fun! I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen next. Other than Clark stopping Lois from taking off his glasses, he's going along with it, which did surprise me. Yes, he's slouching a bit, and in the process making the 'Suit' look more like an imitation...but I still would have thought that he would be deathly afraid that someone might recognize him, even if Lois didn't. smile He can only change his appearance and demeanor so much...

And to now throw in my $0.02 to clear up a couple of possible misconceptions from the feedback...

I never felt throughout the first two seasons that Lois was being portrayed as 'galactically stupid' because she couldn't see past Clark's alter ego. Yes, Tempus called her that, but it's a lot easier for him to make fun of her when he's been privy to the secret all along. Just like the rest of us. We all know that Clark Kent is Superman, so we wonder how on Earth that more people in Metropolis didn't figure it out. There was more of a differentiation (appearance, mannerisms, etc.) in the movies between the Clark and Superman characters, yet anyone of us watching can still say "Gee, those two look almost like twins". The whole premise requires a certain suspension of belief that we've all lived with very happily for almost 70 years now; I haven't read any comics, so I don't know how Lois has been portrayed there during different periods, but I don't think the show portrayed her as any dumber than anyone else about this issue. One can wonder why she didn't turn those sharp investigative skills of hers to bear when faced with some questionable circumstances, but Lois was human, and totally bowled over by the flying god that she met. That doesn't make her stupid, but a bit "blinded by love", as H.G. Wells said.

Another creation of the show, apart from galactically stupid Lois, is drunk Lois.
Actually, "drunk Lois" is more a creation of fanfic than the show. IIRC, there is only one episode that featured Lois getting a little tipsy, which was "I'm Looking Through You" - the one with the invisible man - where Lois was drowning her sorrows after she lost the auction for a date with Superman, and he walked right past her without acknowledging her. That is all I can think of - please someone correct me if I've forgotten something.

Now, maybe that is the only time in comics or movies or TV series that we have ever seen a drunk Lois, but I'd hardly say that the show "created" her. Based on her unhappiness at that moment, it wouldn't be unusual for her - or any other human - to consider taking a drink or two. That doesn't mean that one should do it, but it's hardly a major failing if it happens occasionally. We've all read several fanfics where Lois gets tipsy/drunk, but then it's usually under similar circumstances as well. The scene worked very well for me, and I'm really curious to see, the next morning, who Lois has decided was the one to have kissed her that night...


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