
This was wonderful. I generally have less interest in stories playing off the New Kryton arc, but this one drew me right in.

I would have sent you feedback sooner, (really I wanted to) but I've had a rash of busy evenings recently and wasn't online. I finally started reading this on Sunday night - but I had saved the chapters quickly before heading on to a plane, and this was my first chance to get online.

I can't tell you how excited I was to come home and realize you'd finished the story I'd gotten so drawn into on Sunday.

I really liked the premise of this, although I did also wonder why Clark's injury didn't heal with the yellow sun. I also think I would have liked a little bit of the story before he gets home from Clark's point of view as I was surprised by his decision to stay away from Lois and his parents. I can see the depression of going from Superman to disabled, but family and friends are also so important to Clark, this decision to stay away is surprising.

I really liked the ending of this - the fact that they didn't go back to Metropolis, he isn't cured (even though, as I said, this confused me). It definitely had a nice feel - like life went on - it wasn't like they could erase all the painful time of being apart, but they could move past it.

Lovely story!