I'm short on time these days, since classes are starting and I got to be figuring out curriculum stuff, but I really loved Foundations and I wanted to give you feedback on it as a whole--since I just caught up. I loved the questions it raised and how it wasn't afraid to touch on complicated issues (can never get enough of these sort of fics!). I feel like the characters changed and grew because of it and never once did they sound trite or contrived.

I also loved the centrality of the baby and how something so horrible and so tragic could become the main thing to bring home Clark's identity. The revelation too was excellent, like many I didn't expect Lois not to call the press conference. smile And there were some heavy questions that she dealt, but even as she was angry, I always felt she left a space for him to explain.

And the dialogue was just so great throughout. *sigh* In any case, thanks so much for posting this! It was such a great read. smile

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan