Oooh! Chapter 9! Thank goodness I caught it this time!

He could hear her moving around inside; there were slightly alarming noises coming from the kitchen, he thought, but whether she’d unlock her column of shiny locks for him he didn’t know.
I love the way that's written.

“I didn’t know you’d ever noticed.”

“I guess I can see why you wouldn’t have a lot of respect for my powers of observation,” she said bitterly.
Ouch. I guess saying Lois is mad is a bit of an understatement.

“Would you shut up about what I deserve!” she cried suddenly, jumping up from the couch. She crossed over to him and thwapped him hard across the chest with the throw pillow she’d been clutching. He blinked at her in shock, and she went on. “Why don’t you let me be the one to decide what I deserve?” She shook the pillow at him threateningly. “You know what your problem is?”

“I... could name a few.”

“That was a rhetorical question,
I love this! So Lois and Clark.

“And when you touched me,” she said shakily, opening her eyes and looking into his, “I knew that I loved you more than I was angry with you – and I was really angry, let me tell you.”

“Oh, yeah.” She reached up and stroked his hair back from his forehead. “But you’re my lunkhead.”

He laughed, not about to argue with her. If he was a lunkhead, he was her lunkhead. Whatever he was, he was hers.

She smiled back at him. “We can do this, Clark.” Her voice, so quiet yet so certain, finally convinced him that she meant it. They were taking the next step, only this time, they were doing it on solid ground.

He bent to kiss her, tasting the salt of her tears, and he realized that he’d been wrong two nights ago in his apartment.

This was his happiest moment.
*cries in happiness* this is just so wonderfully written and sweet!

“Hi,” he whispered, not wanting to wake Lois. “I’m your daddy.”

Her murky newborn eyes seemed to rove away from him before coming back to give him a long, serious look.

He stroked her cheek tenderly, and then, because he had learned his lesson about being honest with the women he loved, he went on, starting at the very beginning: “My name is Clark Kent,” he told her softly, “and I’m Superman....”

Caroline this is the best written story I've read in a long time. You did a fabulous job and this last chapter was absolutely heartbreaking--in a good way. Thank you so much for this story. I loved it!


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile