Thank you so much to all who took the time to respond to this penultimate part! sloppy I was so glad that so many of you thought the revelation "worked" - and glad, too, that it managed to be a surprise to most of you wink .

Ann, I was really flattered that you found this part so thought-provoking. You consistently manage to make me feel much smarter and a much better writer than I actually am, and I thank you for that!

Of course Lois, the award-winning reporter, must recognize her own partner's writing style.
When I wrote "The Challenge," I promised you and Patrick a story in which Lois was not fooled by Clark wink . Well... this is it, and I had fun writing it this way! I'm delighted you both thought it worked as well.

Lisa, thank you for starting this thread and - again - for your wonderful support throughout this story and others. sloppy

Arawn, it's always wonderful to hear from you, and I'm excited to find out you've been following this story. I'm so glad you've enjoyed it so far, and I hope the last part doesn't disappoint!

I'm so Glad that Clark-superman got mad a Lois during their argument....Yes there were probably dozens of times that he might have tried to tell her, but (as much as we scorn the idea) fear is a very powerful emotion.
I agree, Vonceil! I think Clark's fear has overpowered him in this story, and that's at the root of both his stupidity and his anger. But I liked having him get a little angry, too wink

Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to respond. I really do appreciate all your comments so much!
