Oh Wow. I've been out of town--off the internet for 3 weeks and so I've fallen behind in this story. Now that I've caught up. . . just rip my heart out why don't you?

This was painfully wonderful. I know some probably won't agree, but I'm so Glad that Clark-superman got mad a Lois durring thier arguement. He actually stood up for himself and his feelings instead of just letting her beat him up again (at least for a few seconds). Yes, he was an idiot and had his thinking all backwards, Yes there were proabaly dozens of times that he might have tried to tell her, but (as much as we scorn the idea) fear is a very powerful emotion. Phobias are real and His fear boarders on them. I'm proud that he was finally ready (got the courage up ) to tell her. Ok, I'm getting off of my soap box now. . .

I love little Johnathan <big sigh> Is there any way that he could end up in Clark's keeping. . . (I know probably not)

Looking forward to more soon.


Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--