I agree with Ann here that Clark lying to Lois for three years is really a bad thing. wildguy

But I like the way you captured this moment. They say "Lies have short legs" and though I wouldn't actually say that three years could truthfully be described as *short*, I think it's important that you showed that Clark just *couldn't* hide this forever. There had to come the day when a rescue would keep him away from home for so long. It seems incredible to me that, according to you, he actually made it that long.

While I can't claim that I like Clark lying to Lois for so long, I'm usually keen on what-ifs. This one is a very interesting "what-if". What if Clark had never worked up the courage to actually tell her? Well, in fact he never actually told her, but she found out. I don't think this is Clark's character. He wouldn't have kept this from her.

I think you did great capturing Clark's feelings in this moment when he realized how bad he had been all the time. At first I thought that this would be around the time of "Whine, whine, whine" or "And the answer is", respectively. As long as I didn't know how long he had actually deceived Lois I felt symapthy for hiim. But three years??? He can call himself lucky if Lois can forgive him.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool