Only if you know what actually happened. Oh wait, you do! [Lol] Enjoy it.
Hmmm, why yes, I do, don't I? And you know, just to even the playing field... <eg> I can be bribed too.


There's a lot of "action" in part four and I find that the hardest thing to write. I have to go over it again and again to make sure that everyone knows what everyone is doing. I can see it in my head perfectly but it's hard to explain. Someday I'm going to post a story where the action is described just like I write it the first time around: Lois ducks, Clark jumps, yelling... It would be a post-modern masterpiece of brevity.
LOL!!! Oh, Sue. You know, I've seen some "rough" snippets before, and they do sound kind of like that <snort> But they never stay that way long. Trust me, the action in this next part will have you gripping your seat and looking between your fingers. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.