I was just on the board when I saw you posted the third part, YAY!!

I'm so loving this story! The beginning is just great it's makes me so anxious to know what happened to them.

"I know her. She's with the press," Clark affirmed. Inside he was panicking. How in the heck was he ever going to explain this one?
Loved this part. Lois just kept in talking and didn''t even see Clark was panicking.

She went around him and marched back into the hotel with as much dignity as a woman in her pajamas could muster.
You gotta hand it to her wink

"Do? I'll do whatever the hell I want," Mickey sneered at her.
Looks likes Mickey isn't all that nice anymore!

"Fiesty," Tony said with a laugh. "I never liked that in a woman."
but I'm really glad Lois does have that!!

I olso just loved the scene in the truck. It was so sweet!

Bewildered, Clark tried to stand up only to be kicked again under his chin. There was salty, metallic taste in his mouth. Blood. It was his own blood.
blood?? how can Clark be bleeding?? Is there no really kryptonite around??

Another great part, can't wait for the next one!!

"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet