Karen and mmouse, thanks for letting me know that you're still following what is happening. It's good to know that I haven't confused people with all this jumping around.

I always loved that scene - it's so very sad and your description definitely does the scenario justice. We expect Clark's pain, but Lois' unexpected show of vulnerability and grief is heart-wrenching.
I'm glad you enjoyed that scene. Erin actually gave me a number of really good ideas for spicing up that scene so... Thanks, Erin. thumbsup People seem to love it.

If I confess to utmost confusion, will you post more often?
Sorry, Noetal. If there is one person who I have no doubt is able to follow what is happening, it's you laugh .

Is anybody else disturbed by the Councilors' ability to eavesdrop on intimate moments in history?
Me raises hand laugh .

I've never seen the episode Meet John Doe, and it's been a few years since I've seen Lois and Clarks, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the specifics of the plot, nor am I able to tell from the story what might have changed from the original episode. (I'm pretty sure there was only one Tempus originally though.)
I think that is one of the inherent weaknesses in this story. It really does require a solid knowledge of Lois and Clark. And for those of us who can often rattle off line and verse, it's okay. But otherwise... If you, or anyone, has any idea how I can correct this fault, I'd love to hear from you.

Okay, so Meet John Doe... Near the end of that episode, Andrus shows up at Lois and Clark's and asks for Superman's help in capturing Tempus to take him back to the future. Superman agrees. They go to the suites being occupied by President Elect John Doe (aka Tempus) and Superman grabs 'Tempus' and takes him into the time window. Now, the time window has been set to explode if Tempus touches it (so that he can't steal it and escape to another time). When Superman gets Tempus into the time window, he vanishes. It's then that they realize that the Tempus they were trying to take back to the future was actually a replica of the real Tempus. Then the real Tempus shows up and touches the time window with Superman still inside (and Lois watching) and the window explodes, trapping Superman in a moment of time. And the episode ends.

So everything in that episode is actually the same as it is in the series - except of course that Lois has no idea what is happening.

Did Clark actually change anything after he was shot by Dillinger, or was that thrown in merely for Clark torture?
Just Clark torture laugh . Don't worry, there's a great scene coming up that is put in merely to torture Lois laugh .

Anyway, it's good to know that people are still following this story. Thanks for letting me know.

The next part will be posted later this afternoon.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane