Let's see... unfamiliar shower stall... Sometime after they got married b/c she'd recognize it if it was before... My first thought was HiM at the Lexor, but she'd likely recognize that... Maybe at the brownstone? But that doesn't help with when exactly - just that it's post wedding season 4... OR... is it when they go to the hotel in... Colorado? and she ends up duct taped on the bed and plays charades [when she could have just as easily pulled the tape off, but that's a side note...]. Just a couple guesses smile .

I'm sticking with you - I think I've followed every one so far. You do have Andreas instead of Andrus in this part too. Didn't notice the marble floor in this one smile . I wonder if Clark working *with* Lois on the Linda King thing will change things too much. But, no, I'm still not sure where or when Lois is.

More soon - today would be good. Would be much easier to keep up if you posted two or even three times a day. Yeah, that's it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!