Ok, I'm home from work and I can get back to this--I've been thinking about your wonderful post all day!!

Once again--Happy Birthday! I hope it has been wonderful.

The features of his face relaxed slightly, but tension still tightened his brow, mixed with some deep anguish. “I . . . I’m S-S-Superman, Lois,” he whispered. His brow furrowed further and he flinched. “N-no . . . L-lois . . . p—please . . . ” He shivered out her name. “D-don’t leave me . . . ” he pleaded.

“Kal, I’m here.”

He swallowed, still caught in his dream. “I’m S-superman,” he whispered.

Lois’s brow furrowed. Did he not want her to call him by his name? “Superman,” she whispered, reaching up and brushing his hair out of his eyes, then putting her hand against his cold cheek. “Sh. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. It’s just a dream. Just a dream.”

“S-s-sorry,” he sighed out with a soft, shaking breath as he drifted off again.
Oh--what a way to start (btw I love the dream opening!!) I said earlier I wanted to dance and cry at the same time--here is the first place where I wanted to cry, Clark is just so sad and afraid of Lois' reaction that it's leaking out even while he sleeps. smile1 hyper If my kids hadn't still been asleep I would have been jumping up and down and Yelling at the top of my lungs!! Lucky for my neighbors I wanted my kids to keep on sleeping. wink

I loved the section where Lois was merging the two men in her memories--Superman doing Clark stuff and Clark doing Superman stuff. You did a wonderful job of protraying her reactions to HER behavior toward both men
Lois felt vomit rising in her throat, but screwed up her eyes and swallowed the nausea. She choked on a weak sob, but bit her lip against it even as tears poured down her face.
I could feel it in myself eek

And then even in his sleep
“L-Lois,” he murmured her name, and sounded as if he wasn’t even close to fully awake. “It’s just a dream. Sh. It’s all right. I’m here.”
<snif> he is still taking care of her mecry

You have a real gift of showing the inside of Lois' head. Her guilt is so real--the way you show her remembering so vivid--all the times Clark tried to approach her. . .all the times she dismissed him. . .

And then her finally figuring out who he REALLY is. . .Wonderful.

Ok, this seems to be running on forever, just one final (ok maybe 2) comment--I love Clark finding his cape in her bed and his mixed feelings about it--and Lois insisting(not the right word--begging--doing anything needed) she be allowed to go with him flying. . . love just makes me feel all warm a wonderful inside.

hail hail hail

Looking forward to next week's posting (BTW--you didn't mess up my morning as bad this week--I planned for you and got ready a little earlier than ususal--just not early enough to do a "real" post.) wink

Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--