Happy Birthday, Rachel!

“Kal, I’m here.”

He swallowed, still caught in his dream. “I’m S-superman,” he whispered.

Lois’s brow furrowed. Did he not want her to call him by his name? “Superman,” she whispered, reaching up and brushing his hair out of his eyes, then putting her hand against his cold cheek. “Sh. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. It’s just a dream. Just a dream.”
So poetic and lovely but - *headdesk*

He looked like an innocent little farm boy when he wore his hair like that—the thought came affectionately . . . foggily . . .

And then she stopped.

Her eyelids froze in the middle of that last, sinking blink, the sleepy gates opening as she stared, once again feeling caught between ridiculous, painful fantasy and stark, hard, cold reality.

Oh, curse it! They even apologized the same way.

I love the back forth of Lois' thoughts as she tries to reconcile Clark and Kal-El into one person. And the sunrise. I love the sunrise.

Rachel, this chapter was so beautiful, lyrical, gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


lisa in the sky with diamonds