Happy Birthday!

I'll need to reread this in daylight; I mostly just went for plot at this hour LOL, but really you write so well, you make all the non-plot chatter always worth my while.

I had a good beating against the wall and said, great. Right revelation, WRONG PERSONA, CLARK!

...But then she figured it out. Really, I wasn't expecting Lois to be so sharp at this hour, and I'm not just saying that because half a six-pack prevents me from being so sharp. (What is it about me drinking and reading fanfic these days?)Anyway, it was really a trip watching Lois put the pieces together and realize that everything she went through with Kal-El, it was Clark, and vice versa...

Randomly, it's still hard to believe that Jonathan's gone. (I know, like these are real people or something <g>.) I was actually a bit curious, but you are more than entitled to keep your writing deliberations a secret...why did you kill off Jonathan? Was it just where the story took you? Was he in the way (heh)? But like I said, just idle 3am curiosity.

Hmm so is Clark going to tell Lois the truth, or will she eventually inform him later...at least they are a step closer to being broken together!


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy