
just 8k, 8k!!
I am assuming you mean the size of the file itself - sorry, I write in Notepad and use word wrap and sometimes I think I have written a lot when I actually haven't. I want it to go on forever too!

where is the sequel
Sequel? I think you mean sequels? Because I see this as part of a sequence of stories set within the continuity of the series (well upto a point) where we see how this challenge continues. But first I have to a) watch the series again and find a good moment and be inspired (I was inspired by the look on Clark's face for this one) and b) I have to finish the sequel to my other N fic story "Nibbling At../The Feeling Is Mutual"

You really have a great way of vocalizing their thoughts (see nibbling)
Thank you for that but I wouldn't know how to write any other way. blush What and how people think changes their world around them....

"see nibbling" I assume is referring to my other story? If so blush you're making me all hot and bothered with these compliments. Thank you.

And by all means keep bugging and reminding me to write these stories/sequels - real life interferes way too often so I need to be nagged.

Cheers, The Little Tornado.

The Little Tornado is ....

Marisa Wikramanayake
Freelance Writer & Editor,
Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA