Aw, guys! Anyone would think that you were pleased to see this story, or something! laugh blush

Wendy, you were the first to ask about a posting schedule. Well, I was thinking of twice a week. How does that sound to everyone?

Bethy said:
Will he tell her? Will he become Superman? Will he spill the beans to her that it's him? How much fighting will we get to enjoy before we get to enjoy smoochies?
Answering your questions in order: You'll have to wait and see. Ditto. Ditto. What on earth makes you think that there are going to be smoochies? wink

Ren: I seem to remember that, when I posted EMI, people were concerned about CJ's loss of powers. And you've hit the nail right on the head with how awful it would be for CJ to lose the flying; you'll see what I mean eventually.

Will he get to keep the powers? I can't tell you what will happen in the end. All I will tell you is that the final outcome was planned right back at the beginning of EMI. What is it? You'll have to wait and see.

Paul and Hazel: your comments was very helpful! I wasn't sure whether people would realise that I was starting just before CJ's trip to the world (I guess it depends on how well they remember the original), so the fact that you picked up on that was deeply reassuring.

Elena: the story will happily wait for you.

Trenna: it will wait for you, too. I do want to reassure you, though, that I do have a complete draft. While I'm sure that my beta readers will find bits for me to tweak, it is, essentially, written, and it will get posted.

Tank, Maria, Nan, Xanabee, Dan, Laurie, Merry, Vicki: thank you very much for your comments, too!
