What a great beginning for the second part of this story!! thumbsup

I can't wait to read more. And like Wendy I want to ask you about your posting schedule? Please don't let us wait too long to read more.

I love this story...there is just one thing that makes me a little sad...as far as I remember from the first part, CJ will only have his powers for a few years, and I understand that he doesn't need them to make a difference, but I'm sure he will miss them...is there maybe...just maybe...a tiny little something that could be done about that?...is there maybe a way that he could keep them? (/me carefully begging mecry

I'm sorry, I guess, I got just a little bit sentimental wink ...anyway, I really already do love this story, and it was just a question, I'll certainly accept and continue to love this story no matter what you decide. smile
