YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! smile1 smile1 smile1

This was great! It got us into this universe quickly, showing us the side of Lois we didn't get before, plus, as Wendy said, reminding us of the animosity between Lois and Clark...er, CJ. I'm interested to see how CJ's 10 days in our universe will show -- after all, Lois doesn't know he's been gone at all. Will he tell her? Will he become Superman? Will he spill the beans to her that it's him? How much fighting will we get to enjoy before we get to enjoy smoochies?

In case you can't tell, I'm very curious. wink And ready for more!!!!

Bethy (who is bad about giving comments, too, but is trying to get better...post more story to help me practice. <inniocent>)

I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.