Wow, Chris, what a great section! And goofy I loved Lois discovering that CJ's skills as a lawyer aren't that all that different from her own investigative abilities, and CJ's appalled horror at just how *experienced* Lois was at what she was doing. I was a bit surprised that CJ didn't offer to X-ray the information rather than picking the lot, but Lois probably wouldn't have had the patience to wait for it, anyway.

I was taken aback when I reached the end of the post. It was going so smoothly I wasn't expecting the "TBC." I can't wait to see what happens next!

One little suggestion:

"Then I guess that makes us quits, because I don't want to know how to pick locks!"
I never correct UK prose, because that would be rude. smile But since CJ is American, he would see "makes us even" rather than "quits." Of course, you can argue that this alt-world uses UK-isms... wink

Looking forward to MORE!


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827