Wow. What a quick response from everyone!

I have to go with James as to the orphan in the timeline theory. Otherwise, everytime Lois changed anything, she'd find her memories being rewritten right then and there. That could be fun...but this is a Lois with her own memories, ones she is going to keep.

Also...the paradox issues may be addressed later anyway. wink

As for the time change mistake, that's all it was. I wrote this late at night and wasn't thinking. I like Carol's idea about them being somewhere else, but from Lois's high school reunion episode, I have a feeling she hasn't lived outside of Metropolis, at least not at this age. (Ireland nonwithstanding).

No worries about a Smallville crossover. Lana may show up, but she'll be the blonde with the accent, not the brunette with the lisp.

Clark has been gone 700 days. The eighteen month figure talks about the time the time travel project was started.

Part of what made Lois so attractive to Clark was that she wouldn't give him the time of day. Many beautiful women liked him, but it's the one you have to work for that you want. smile

How will that play out? We'll have to see.

Thanks for the tips, James.

Yes Jojo, there is a, you are right. Lois is stuck in this body from now on. No going back. It's a one way trip that was only supposed to last three years.

Happy endings? When haven't I written happy endings? (Except for those stories where Lex ends up in a bad way...which could be happy for lots of people.)

And absolutely, Terry. Things get interesting when Lois can't predict what will happen anymore. When will that be?

Kate, as Pam has surmised, Lois DOESN'T know that Clark is Superman. I'll go into that later. If she knew, it'd be way too easy... evil

Thanks for all the suggestions and the praise. Since I'm writing the new chapters soon, I'll see what sparks my imagination. This may end up almost being a round robin (all written by me, heh heh.)

Thanks again!