If I could turn back time.... Isn't there a song which goes like that? If I could live my life again, with the fore-knowledge of events that I know of now, oh, all the mistakes that I wouldn't make, and all the things that I would make right this time.... What a hauntingly beautiful premise, Shayne. And somehow, it feels somewhat fateful, too.

I would absolutely love to see you continue with this. I completely agree with Carol that I would like you to stay within the LnC universe, and not make it a Smallvile crossover.

In the past, we have always seen Clark so instantly infatuated with Lois and so determined to make her fall in love with him. Is he going to be similarly smitten now? I would really like to see that, but on the other hand, it just might be better to have Clark just slightly more standoffish this time. I would like Lois to try to meet Clark pretty soon - make that as soon as possible - and I would like to see her try to convince him that they were made for one another. And then I would like her to try to protect him and save him from the death that claimed him in the future world that she had left behind.

Interestingly, this Lois would probably also have a very big secret which she would try to keep from Clark, while she, on the other hand, would be in on his secret. Lois's secret would be that she knew much of his future. Should she ever tell him? Should she try to keep it a secret from him forever? No, I think it would be a good thing to tell him, all the same... but when should she tell him? Will he believe her? Is he going to be scared of her because of her "superhuman" knowledge of his future? (Or maybe his future, or the future in general, will not go in the same direction as the timeline that Lois left behind?

So many possibilities! Please go on writing, Shayne.
