Awww!!! Jessi, that was excellent! Beautiful little fic.

I just hope this actually makes sense...
Well... duh!

She lifted the ragged old stuffed rabbit to cradle it against her chest with all of the tenderness her son had once given it.
I can't help but smile - you gave him a stuffed rabbit. I love stuffed rabbits. It's just so absolutely adorable to me that he would have one.

he rabbit was missing one eye and many patches of fur due to years of adoration from a dark-haired, gentle-hearted little boy.
and this is so totally awwww!!! mecry years of adoration. Ah, now see what you've done, I'm crying again! I'll never be able to see any of my rabbits without imagining cute little toddler Clark holding it by the foot and tugging him around with him all over the place.

They would go to Metropolis and watch their only child – their miracle son, in so many ways – fly out of their lives... possibly forever.
just brilliant. just totally moving and beautiful and brilliant.

Against all odds, as a helpless infant, he had found his way home to them once. He would do it again. She had to believe that. What else could she do?
/me disappears in a pool of tears.

..and this is from the girl who thought that what someone else had written at the end of another story was better than her own stuff. AH! Girl, you don't need me - you've got tons of talent, you just don't believe it yet - I'm not even worthy of playing in the same league you are. Please, *please* post things more often. Or, I seriously will come over and kick you!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies